Talento IT
Los 10 lenguajes de programación más demandados 2024-Talento IT-IT Patagonia

10 programming languages most in demand by companies in 2024

Identifying the most in-demand programming languages in 2024 at a corporate level is important for several reasons. For example, staying up to date with software development trends and current technological evolution. 

In addition, it will allow you make better decisions when undertaking an IT projectAnd, if you are looking to enter or advance in the IT job market, knowing which languages will be most in demand in 2024 will be key to boost your professional career.

We analyze the main reports and rankings of specialized media (among them: Tiobe Index, Codemotion Talent, PYPL, DevJobsScanner, HACK a BOSS and KEEPCODING), and we put together a ranking of the most in-demand programming languages by companies worldwide, particularly in the financial sector. 

1) Java

Java is a high-level object-oriented programming language that has become very popular due to its portability, ease of use and wide adoption for the development of web and mobile applications (Android), games and embedded software, among other possibilities. 

Some of its distinctive features are:

Object orientation

Java organizes its functionality into classes and objects. A class is a template that defines the properties and behaviors of a type of object, while an object is a specific instance of a class.

This language allows data and behavior to be encapsulated within classes. This means that data (variables) and methods that operate on that data are grouped together, helping to hide implementation details and protecting the data from unauthorized manipulation.


One of the most notable features of Java is its ability to run on different platforms without the need to recompile the source code. This is achieved by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which interprets the compiled code into bytecode, thus providing portability across different operating systems.


Java is designed with a strong emphasis on security. Java code execution takes place within a controlled environment, which helps prevent malicious code execution and protects against security threats.

Multitasking and concurrency

It offers built-in support for multitasking and concurrency programming through features such as threads and the java.util.concurrent package. This allows Java applications to run multiple tasks simultaneously and efficiently manage shared resources.


It provides a wide range of standard libraries (APIs) covering various areas of software development, such as data input/output, file manipulation, database access, creation of graphical user interfaces, and text processing, among others.

Platform independence

Java code is written once and runs anywhere the Java Virtual Machine (JVM9) is available. Developers can write Java applications that work on a variety of devices and operating systems, without requiring additional modifications.

2) JavaScript

It is an object-oriented language that is mainly used in web development. It is different from “Java”, with which it only shares certain superficial similarities in syntax.

This is a fundamental component for modern web development and is widely used by both front-end and back-end developers.

It stands out for these characteristics:

Interpreted language

The source code is executed directly by an interpreter at runtime, without the need to compile it previously.


Its object model is different from that of other, more traditional languages, such as Java or C++. In JavaScript, objects are collections of properties, where each property has a name and an associated value, which can be any data type, including other objects, functions, or even arrays. 

Additionally, objects in JavaScript can have methods, which are associated functions to perform actions or manipulate their data. 

Furthermore, object creation and manipulation in JavaScript can be done dynamically and flexibly, giving developers the ability to create complex and dynamic data structures, and implement design patterns and advanced programming techniques.

Execution from the client or server

JavaScript can run both on the client side (web browser) and on the server side (for example, with Node.js). 

On the client side, it is mainly used to improve the interactivity of web pages and the response to user events. 

On the server side, it is used to develop full-featured web applications, RESTful APIs, and web services.

Dynamic and weakly typed

Its variables are not associated with a specific data type and can change data type during program execution. While it provides flexibility, it requires caution in writing code to avoid errors.

Wide ecosystem

JavaScript has a large and diverse ecosystem that includes a large number of libraries and frameworks, such as React.js, AngularJS, Vue.js, and Express.js. 

These tools enable developers to build complex web applications more efficiently and scalably.


JavaScript is known for its asynchronous handling of operations, meaning it can perform multiple tasks simultaneously without blocking the execution of the main program. This is achieved through the use of callbacks, promises, and async/await.

The Argentine labor market will require the incorporation of new talents in the most in-demand programming languages by 2024.

3) Python

High-level, interpreted, interactive, multi-paradigm programming language. It is easy to learn and highly versatile.

These are the key features of Python:

Clear and readable syntax

It resembles human language, making code easier to read and understand, and improving developer productivity.

Interpreted and interactive

Its source code is executed line by line using an interpreter. It also provides an interactive execution mode where users can enter and execute commands, facilitating experimentation and learning.


It supports a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Its code can be run on different platforms without significant modifications.


Although it is based on the concept of classes and objects, it also supports other paradigms such as imperative and functional programming.

Rich standard library

It has a very complete standard library that covers a wide range of functionalities. From file manipulation and networking, to text processing and mathematics. This makes it easier and faster to develop useful applications and scripts without having to install external libraries.


Python is used in a variety of areas, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, task automation, and scripting, among others. 

4) C#

C# is a programming language developed by Microsoft as part of its .NET platform, which combines elements of languages such as C, C++ and Java, although it has unique features that make it distinctive:

Object Oriented

It allows encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, favoring the organization and maintenance of the code.

Secure Typing

Data types should be declared explicitly, helping to prevent errors during compilation and improving code robustness.

Interoperability with Windows components

C# integrates tightly with the Windows platform and can interact with Windows components through WinAPI and other frameworks (Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Forms, and Universal Windows Platform).

Application development 

Including desktop (Windows Forms, WPF) and web (ASP.NET) applications, along with web services, Windows services, and mobile applications.

Automatic memory management

Uses the .NET Framework garbage collector to automatically manage memory allocated to objects, simplifying memory management and reducing the possibility of memory-related errors.

Game Development

The Unity game engine uses C# as its primary scripting language, allowing you to efficiently create cross-platform games.

5) C++

General-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language derived from the C language. It provides high-level abstractions while maintaining near-hardware efficiency and control. 

What identifies it:

Object Oriented

It facilitates modularity, code reuse, and the organization of software into logical structures.

Efficiency and control

Unlike some higher-level languages, such as Python or Java, C++ offers more direct control over the computer's hardware and memory. 


It can be used on a variety of platforms and operating systems. Programs written in C++ can be compiled and executed on a wide range of hardware and software environments.


It allows you to define generic functions and classes that can work with different types of data, generating more flexibility and code reuse.

Strong type system

Statically typed language with a strong type system, which provides compile-time type checking, preventing errors and improving code robustness.

C Compatibility

Existing C code can be easily integrated into C++ programs. 

Lenguajes de programación más demandados 2024-IT Patagonia-Cobol
In Argentina there are 15 thousand IT job vacancies unfilled annually.

6) Cobol

COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) It is a programming language that was developed specifically for business, financial and administrative applications. 

Since its inception, it has been widely used in business data processing systems, especially in the financial sector.

As we already mentioned in another article, Cobol does not usually appear in the top positions of the rankings of the most demanded programming languages, but several of its differential characteristics position it as One of the most required languages by companies that have Mainframe infrastructures.

What makes Cobol different:

Business Oriented

The language was designed to facilitate the programming of enterprise applications such as accounting systems, payroll, inventory management, and other business processes.


It is designed to be readable and understandable for non-technical users. It uses English-like language and sentence structures that reflect the typical workflow in the business environment.

Data logging

It has strength in handling data files and records. In addition, it offers integrated capabilities to work with sequential, indexed and direct access files, facilitating the processing of large volumes of data.

Scale and reliability

It is being used in mission-critical systems by financial institutions, insurance companies and government agencies, and is recognized for its reliability and scalability. 

Verbal sentence structures

It uses a verbal statement structure that includes keywords such as “IF”, “ELSE”, “PERFORM” and “END” to control the execution flow of the program. This makes COBOL code relatively easy to read and understand.


It can run on a variety of platforms and operating systems. Historically it has run on mainframe systems, and today it also runs on cloud-based platforms.

7) SQL

SQL, which stands for “Structured Query Language,” is used to manage and manipulate relational databases. 

Some features of this programming language:

Declarative language

Users describe what data they want to retrieve or manipulate, rather than specifying how to obtain it, allowing them to focus on the result without worrying about implementation details.

Data manipulation

Provides commands to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on data in a database. These commands include INSERT (to add new data), SELECT (to retrieve data), UPDATE (to modify existing data), and DELETE (to delete data).

Creating and managing schemas

It allows you to define the structure of a database and its tables using commands such as CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE. It also provides commands to manage indexes, integrity constraints, views, stored procedures, and other database elements.

Complex queries

SQL is very powerful for performing complex queries that involve joining, filtering, and grouping data from multiple tables. 

Security and access control

Provides mechanisms to control access to data, including the definition of users and roles, as well as the application of permissions (privileges).

Cross-platform compatibility

SQL is supported by a variety of relational database management systems (RDBMS) such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, and others. 

Los 10 lenguajes de programación más demandados 2024-IT Patagonia
Python and C languages top the Tiobe index ranking.

8) C

It is one of the most influential and widely used programming languages in the history of computing. It stands out for its efficiency, portability and flexibility.

It is easy to write programs whose original code is converted into a file that the machine can read directly, without additional applications.

Besides, It offers a good response and fast execution of programs, and which has the ability to manipulate arbitrary addresses. The C language is also characterized by being a structured, medium-level language.

While it uses a reduced set of keywords for programming, It is rich in data types, operators and variables.

Also, the use of aggregate data types (struct) allows related data—such as an employee, which has an id, a name, and a salary—to be combined and manipulated as a whole in a single variable “employee.”

Some of the most common uses of the C language include the following developments:

  • Operating systems (Unix, Linux, and Windows, among others, are written entirely or partially in C).
  • Software for embedded systems (mobile phones, microcontrollers and IoT devices).
  • High-performance applications (scientific, signal processing, computer graphics, and databases).
  • Libraries and development tools, such as compilers and debuggers.
  • Video games, due to their ability to access low-level hardware and their efficient performance.

Among its advantages is that programmers can observe the operation of programs while they are writing them. 

9) GO

Also known as Golang, it is an open source programming language created by Google, which stands out for its simplicity, efficiency and built-in concurrency.

Some of its main features are as follows:

  • Built-in concurrency: which facilitates the creation of concurrent and parallel programs.
  • EfficiencyGo is designed to be fast and efficient, both at compile time and at run time. 
  • Simplicity: It has a simple and direct syntax, making it easy to read and write code. 
  • Portability: It can be compiled on a variety of platforms, including Linux, macOS, Windows, and other operating systems.
  • Extensive standard library: covers a wide range of functionality, from file and network management to encryption and compression.

Go is used in a variety of applications, including distributed systems, web services, microservices development, and tools and utilities, among others. 

It is especially popular in server development environments due to its ability to handle concurrency and scalability effectively. 

Major companies like Google, Uber, Dropbox, and SoundCloud use Go in their systems and services.

10) Swift 

Programming language developed by Apple Inc. for the development of applications on Apple platforms, such as iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. 

It was created to improve the development experience compared to Apple's previous programming language, Objective-C, by offering good performance and a modern, safe syntax.

Some key features of Swift include:

  • Concise syntax: clean and easy to read, eliminating many of the syntactic quirks of Objective-C.
  • Safety and reliability: Designed with a focus on security and error prevention. 
  • Performance: Optimized to deliver fast and efficient performance. 
  • Interoperability with Objective-C: can be used alongside Objective-C code in the same project, facilitating a gradual transition to Swift for existing applications.
  • Open source: Its development is open to the community, which has allowed Swift to evolve rapidly and benefit from contributions from developers around the world.

Swift is primarily used to develop apps for Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. 

It can be used for a wide variety of applications, from consumer mobile applications to enterprise and productivity applications. 

It is especially popular among iOS developers due to its native integration with Apple technologies and frameworks such as UIKit, SwiftUI, CoreData, and others.

COBOL: the most widely used language by financial and insurance entities 

Due to its focus and specificity for the development of commercial, financial and administrative applications, Cobol is Widely used by financial institutions and insurance companies around the world

Its robustness, reliability, efficiency, scalability and compatibility for managing critical data processing systems has led these institutions to develop and maintain core systems that use Cobol for decades.

But, nowadays there are unmet demand for Cobol specialistsThere are not many professionals on the market who know this and the experts are over 55 years old on average. 

This context opens an excellent opportunity to enter the IT market. If you are interested in training in Cobol, we invite you to learn about the Diploma in Mainframe Environment Management, developed by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and the edtech Codeki.


The popularity level of different programming languages is dynamic and constantly updated. It also varies according to the industry in which they are focusing. 

What is certain is that this is a vibrant and very attractive sector for professional development. If you are looking for your opportunity, we invite you to Check out active searches for IT Patagonia.
