Estrategias para modernizar el Mainframe-IT Patagonia

Keys, challenges and advantages of mainframe modernization 

The modernización y optimización del mainframe It is an issue that has been present in many industries, which have experienced a radical transformation in recent years, with exponential growth in users and the need to achieve greater availability of services.

These changes caused a rapid and dizzying increase in transactionality e impactaron en la infraestructura mainframe. Como consecuencia, ésta está operando en niveles riesgosos para la operación de una gran cantidad de empresas.

In this article we will explore different estrategias posibles para la modernización del entorno mainframe, the benefits that can be obtained, and various criteria to be taken into account within the framework of this process.

¿Qué es una infraestructura mainframe?

Los mainframes son conocidos por su capacidad de procesamiento de grandes volúmenes de datos y la confianza y seguridad que generanBut in order to fully understand what such an infrastructure consists of, it is important to understand its global dimension. 

According to the report COBOL Blues – Reuters Graphics, el mundo mainframe está integrado por el 90% de las compañías Fortune 500, el 92% de los principales bancos, el 90% de las principales compañías de seguros y el 70% de los principales retailers.   

Keeping in mind that Its impact on the global market is overwhelming, podemos definir al mainframe como una poderosa computadora:

  • designed to handle a wide range of workloads and
  • used for Manage critical applications that require a high level of security, availability and scalability.

For 60 years, it has been characterized by its reliability and capacity for massive processing, data storage and multi-tasking.  

Their robust architecture and ability to run multiple operating systems and applications makes them extremely versatile and suitable for a wide variety of needs, across a variety of industries.

The Mainframe performs pre-established functionalities and is capable of process millions of transactions per second. Being a machine with a lot of computing power, it is generally used and valued by large companies.

¿Cuál es la importancia de las infraestructuras mainframe?

The 90% of the organizations surveyed within the framework of the Kyndryl 2023 State of Mainframe Modernization Survey Report indicate that los mainframes siguen siendo esenciales para sus operaciones comerciales

The data highlights the importance of these infrastructures for large companies. Users highlight security (68%), reliability (60%) and performance (55%) as their main features. 

Carina Hermida, Account Manager de IT Patagonia e IBM Champion 2025, resalta que la relevancia de este tipo de infraestructura es total, ya que lo que más se procesa en el mundo son transacciones en mainframes

Banks, insurance companies, e-commerce marketplaces, retail companies, online tourism platforms and large companies from other relevant sectors execute every day millions of transactions and instructions on these infrastructures

De hecho, no se podría visualizar un saldo bancario en el celular o procesar una compra con tarjeta de crédito si no hubiera un mainframe por detrás. 

Problemas para mantener o actualizar infraestructuras mainframe 

Los mainframes suelen tener un “estigma”: They are classified as ancient. Sin embargo, These are modern infrastructures

To exemplify its degree of modernity, the latest hardware model (z16) began to be marketed in 2023, and among its main features is that it has quantum processors.

For its part, the lenguaje de programación COBOL, which already has its version 6, is especialmente diseñado para correr en infraestructuras z-series, including the recently released z16 and z15 systems.

Cuanto mejor es el hardware y más alto es el nivel de COBOL, mayor es la reducción de consumo de CPU. 

Como podemos ver, los mainframes no son antiguos y éste no es un problema a considerar en la gestión de este tipo de infraestructuras, que tienen la capacidad de interrelacionarse con todas las plataformas. 

What does represent a problem to manage is the lack of qualified labor que permita hacer frente a las actualizaciones que requiere un mainframe en la actualidad

In today's job market it is very difficult to find specialists, mainly system programmers

Las infraestructuras Mainframe pueden ser muy modernas si están optimizadas.
Los mainframes suelen tener el estigma de ser antiguos. Sin embargo, son infraestructuras modernas.

Another challenge is the change of mindset which must occur in companies, which must become aware of the need to carry out migrations at the time they must be carried out. 

It is, in general, a challenge related to the lack of talent. 

Los mainframes requieren ser actualizados y modernizados en forma constante, para poder responder con eficiencia a los requerimientos y desafíos evolutivos del mercado.

But there are companies that continue to operate with very old operating systems because They lack the human resources to carry out the required upgrades

En este punto, hemos desarrollado una amplia experiencia ayudando a entidades financieras de primer nivel a modernizar sus mainframes, with talent trained in internal programs

What needs to be modernized in the Mainframe? 

Beyond the technological evolution strategy chosen by each organization, Mainframe modernization and optimization is unavoidable

El desafío pasa por determinar cuál es la mejor manera de hacerlo, teniendo en cuenta que el roadmap dependerá de cada proyecto y las razones que impulsan a cada empresa a la actualización de su infraestructura.

According to the report mentioned above,l 67% de las organizaciones decide avanzar con la modernización de su mainframe para optimizar su rendimiento y capacidad. Also to rationalize the software.

No obstante, una de las razones fundamentales que debería impulsar la modernización de las infraestructuras tecnológicas, es la necesidad de have support for troubleshooting.

The first and most important thing is to understand that products have an expiration date.

While operating systems are super stable, the problem is that sometimes an operating system that is no longer supported or sold will still work. This speaks to the robustness of the software, but, on the other hand, if a problem occurs it cannot be addressed..

Entonces, los mainframes deben irse actualizando, tal como sucede con los autos que van quedando caducos. En algún momento hay que cambiarlos, porque no se fabrican más los repuestos que necesitan. 

Having a supported system is essential for the supplier company to be able to provide adequate attention to a problem. 

Another aspect to consider is that many times you pay for machine consumption. So, as products improve and consume fewer CPU cycles, Modernization leads to a decrease in turnover

Un resultado como este puede lograrse, por ejemplo, con la versión 6 de COBOL.

Uno de los principales desafíos que enfrentan las organizaciones es contar con recursos humanos capacitados para efectuar los upgrades requeridos en los Mainframes.
Uno de los principales desafíos que enfrentan las organizaciones es contar con recursos humanos capacitados para efectuar los upgrades requeridos en los mainframes.

Por otro lado, no es posible conectarse con el mundo distribuido a través de conectores antiguos. Hay que estar siempre modernizándose para poder estar online.

Finally, it is essential to keep up to date in order to be able to use new technologies, such as the following:

1. Microservices 

They are a way to modernize and decompose legacy applications to make them more flexible, scalable and easier to maintain.

It may involve rewriting or restructuring existing applications, to break them down into smaller, modular services that are feasible to deploy. develop and maintain more agilely

This can facilitate the adoption of modern software development practices such as continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). 

Además, permite una mayor agilidad y flexibilidad en el desarrollo y la implementación de software en un entorno mainframe.

2. IDz Tools 

The IDz tools (IBM Developer for z/OS), also known as IBM Developer for z Systems, are a set of software development tools specifically designed for developers working in the Mainframe environment. 

They are designed to help programmers develop, test and maintain applications for IBM Mainframe systems.

IDz tools provide an integrated environment that includes code editors, debuggers, static analysis tools, terminal emulators, and other utilities, which facilitan el desarrollo y la depuración de aplicaciones mainframe

Proveen una interfaz gráfica que permite acceder más fácilmente a recursos, a través de una pantalla más amigable.

Additionally, they are often integrated with version control environments such as IBM Rational Team Concert, allowing you to manage source code and collaborate effectively on mainframe projects.

He IBM Developer for z/OS, is the ID that IBM promotes to develop with Cobol, through a modern interface. Si bien se adquiere a IBM, hay componentes que son gratuitos, como el z/OS Explorer que sirve para poder acceder a archivos de mainframe.

Criteria for defining a modernization project and its associated roadmap

In general, specialists agree that no two photos are the same for the modernization of a mainframe, in terms of projects and roadmaps. 

There is no comparison between one client's situation and another. 

So the key is to know how identify what needs to be improved and update when undertaking a modernization project, and from there build an appropriate work roadmap.

While there is no single roadmap that can be reproduced in many organizations, the market is always defining some generic criteria for infrastructure modernization, through the launch of new machine models and new software versions.

For example, in the case of a mobile home banking application, the API Rest format is generally used, which allows the transformation of data coming from transactions running on the Mainframe so that they can be accessed from a cell phone. 

To determine applicable criteria, it is interesting to consult specialized market reports. The Kyndryl report mentioned above reveals that el 95% de las empresas encuestadas planea trasladar algunas cargas de trabajo fuera del mainframe, integrating with other platforms in its modernization projects.

However, companies rarely choose to move all their workloads off the mainframe. Only 2 out of 500 have plans to do so

In fact, the companies surveyed plan to move, on average, 37% of their workloads off the Mainframe.

Organizations that intend to continue running workloads on the Mainframe know that they must continually modernize to Generating profits in a rapidly changing business world, in terms of:

  • Improved performance 
  • Reliability 
  • Greater innovation 

Furthermore, the report indicates that 67% of the surveyed companies focus their Mainframe modernization strategies on optimizing performance and capacity, and on rationalizing software, choosing which applications to keep, replace, retire or consolidate

While other popular approaches include:

  • The integration of DevSecOps with the Mainframe environment, bringing together development, IT operations and security for optimized processes (56%). 
  • Recompiling Mainframe programs to the latest version to improve performance (48%).
Estrategias para modernizar el Mainframe-Fact Sheet IT Patagonia

Principales desafíos de los proyectos de modernización del mainframe

Among the most relevant challenges facing Mainframe infrastructure modernization are the following:

1. Lack of available talent

One of the biggest problems is undoubtedly the lack of qualified labor that allows us to cope with the updates that a mainframe currently requires. 

In today's job market it is very difficult to find specialists, mainly system programmers and Cobol developers. Hence, the importance of Outsource modernization processes to companies that have highly trained professionals and experience in this type of projects.

This is reflected in the report we have been mentioning: 74% of organizations prefer a partner-led trip to ensure your project runs as smoothly as possible and fill skills gaps where necessary. 

2. Keeping up to date with the latest technology available 

As with the vaccination schedule, keeping up with the latest hardware and software versions allows for the use of new technologies, such as microservices and the use of container-based monitors.

3. Understanding the benefits of mainframe modernization

La modernización del mainframe produce un 9% increase in profitability

Mientras que, en conjunto, las organizaciones que participaron del estudio de Kyndryl ahorraron 12.500 millones de dólares en un año al modernizar sus mainframes.

4. Continually inform yourself about market trends

Unfortunately, there is a lack of appetite on the part of IT professionals to want to know the latest developments and trends related to the modernization of Mainframe infrastructures. A behavior that needs to be modified in order to respond efficiently to the challenges posed by the market.


Si bien han decidido que es un camino a caminar, la mayoría de las organizaciones aún no ha completado su proceso de modernización del mainframe. 

As a result, approximately 8 out of 10 companies are exposed to critical risks to their operations.

This is certainly a major warning sign for the market, which must be adequately addressed and resolved in the short term.

Through our Mainframe Center of ExcellenceWe offer a portfolio of services that combines talent, proprietary tools and effective strategies for modernization and optimization of the Mainframe.

Contactanos para recibir personalized advice.
