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Diseño UX/UI: un factor clave para la satisfacción del cliente. IT Patagonia.

UX/UI Design: A Key Factor for Customer Satisfaction, Operational Efficiency and Delivering Results 

When using an app that focuses on user experience, UX/UI design excels at providing quick and easy access to relevant information, from the moment a person logs in.

For example, in the case of a mobile banking application: accounts, balances, transfers and payments are at your fingertips without having to search through hidden menus. 

Additionally, the icons are large, the text is legible, and the colors clearly indicate what actions can be performed. The whole experience is fluid, fast and frictionless..

We live in a world where public expectations are increasingly high when interacting with a platform, website or application. A dynamic reality that challenges companies software developers.

Taking into account the current context, in this article we reflect on the impact that UX/UI has today and what its main challenges are. 

We also analyze how the creation of People-centered products and services in the growth of a business. 

And we identify the differences between user experience and user interface and reveal the UX/UI design skills most in demand by the market.

What is UX/UI design?

“UX/UI design is a specialty that brings together techniques and tools from different disciplines to put into use and work on the design of products and services that will be in permanent relationship with users,” explains Fernanda Lobo, UX Strategist and Director of side.b solutions.

That is, it focuses on how individuals feel and navigate the experience of using digital products and services, and how they do so based on the interface they use.

"It is a discipline that works to understand and meet people's desires, needs and motivations," says the specialist.

Various market studies determine that through UX/UI design, it is possible to achieve improve engagement. It allows you to use, purchase and adopt products and services in a simple way.

This trend has been deepening for several years, leading users to become more and more demanding. 

These new expectations demand motivating, assertive, interactive and interesting experiences, aimed at producing a desire to use them.

“UX/UI is based on the premise that users, technology and available resources are elements that must be worked with to think about and build experiences. If companies' proposals are not related to the motivation of users, there is no chance of success.“, warns Fernanda.

For its part, Lorena Duprez, Design Research and UX teacher at lado.b solutions, maintains that UX/UI design seeks to empathize with users and respond to their needs, giving them a solution that understands them, their interactions and their contexts.

El diseño UX/UI mejora la experiencia de las personas usuarias, impacta positivamente en los objetivos de negocio, y optimiza el rendimiento, la retención y la reputación de la marca.
UX/UI design improves user experience, positively impacts business objectives, and optimizes brand performance, retention, and reputation.

Why is UX/UI design important?

UX/UI design is crucial for several reasons.

Not only does it improve the user experience, it also positively impacts business objectives, optimizing performance, retention and brand reputation.

The report The Customer Experience ROI Study from Watermark, notes that UX-leading companies generate cumulative total returns nearly 5.4 times higher than those companies that are less committed to customer satisfaction. This performance gap has widened in recent years.

For its part, the report ROI of Customer Experience, 2024 from Qualtrics XM Institute, reveals that Consumer satisfaction affects key loyalty behaviors and the likelihood that people will recommend and trust an organization..

In line with these market indicators, at IT Patagonia we are convinced of the centrality of Helping organizations build usable and accessible products

Therefore, our commitment is create technological products with an interactive, functional and human-centered interface design.

Impact of UX/UI design in organizations

From the above, it is key to identify the reasons that demonstrate the great impact that UX/UI design has on organizations. 

The following are some of the main ones:

1. Improves user satisfaction

It makes it easier to complete tasks quickly and without frustration, generates a positive experience and increases brand loyalty.

2. Increase retention and loyalty

A product that is intuitive and visually appealing keeps users coming back for more. If the experience is enjoyable, they are more likely to recommend it.

3. Optimize conversion

A well-thought-out design efficiently guides toward key goals, such as purchasing or registration, which can boost conversion rates and revenue.

4. Reduce support costs

By designing an intuitive experience, you minimize errors and confusion, and reduce the need for technical support and resources to resolve user issues.

5. Competitive differentiation

In a saturated market, good UX/UI design can be a key factor for organizations to stand out from the competition and choose one product over another.

6. Facilitates accessibility

UX/UI takes into account the needs of all users, including those with disabilities. In this way, the scope of a product is expanded.

Differences between user experience and user interface

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are related concepts in digital product design, but they have differences between them.

Broadly speaking, UX deals with the overall experience and usability, while UI deals with the graphical elements that people interact with. 

Let's look in more detail at the characteristics that allow us to distinguish them.

The user experience (UX) refers to how an individual feels when interacting with a product or service. Focus on ease of use, accessibility, satisfaction and the value you get.

It includes the entire process from the first interaction to the last. For example, information architecture, navigation, and task flow.

On the other hand, it involves actions such as research into user behavior, usability testing, and constant improvements based on feedback.

Meanwhile, the user interface (UI) focuses on the Visual appearance of the product, such as buttons, typography, colors, and graphic design.

It covers the way information is presented and how people interact with the system using visual elements. It focuses on creating a Attractive and consistent interface that guides without confusion.

UX refiere a cómo se siente una persona al interactuar con un producto o servicio.
UX refers to how a person feels when interacting with a product or service.

UX/UI design skills most in demand by the market

As Lorena Duprez explains, the profiles of this discipline are evolving and finding new places for development. “Businesses and users form an inseparable mechanism,” she says.

From Fernanda Lobo's perspective, the discipline is young and, over the years of its existence, the needs of the market have been changing. A process that has led to the offer of profiles being adapted to constant transformations.

In its early days, UX/UI was a much more technical and tactical discipline, which prioritized mastery of design, prototyping and presentation tools. 

Nowadays, as these skills are covered by training and general know-how, there is a growing need for UX/UI design specialists who are Analysts, thinkers, with the ability to sit at strategic tables and negotiation and decision-making skills.

That is why, in order to face change and form dynamic and productive teams, those who work in the UX/UI area must develop specific skills. These include:

  • Collaborative work.
  • Autonomy and self-management.
  • Ability to manage real challenges.
  • Ability to provide justification and exchange ideas.
  • Collaborative spirit.
  • Active listening.
  • Willingness to be open to different perspectives.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Flexibility to look from different places at different times.
  • Learning in contrast to reality, beyond theories. 
  • Finding the right way to meet user expectations in reality.

The current need lies in rBuild more strategic and connected skills with the business's own skills.

UI se centra en la apariencia visual del producto, como botones, tipografía, colores, y diseño gráfico.
UI focuses on the visual appearance of the product, such as buttons, typography, colors, and graphic design.

How does creating user-centric products and services impact?

Creating people-centric products and services is closely linked to business growth. 

By focusing on needs and expectations, UX/UI design brings several key benefits that drive business success:

Increased loyalty and retention

When products are designed with user expectations and concerns in mind, the overall experience is improved. 

This fosters customer satisfaction, which is crucial to building loyalty among individuals and preventing them from looking for alternatives.

Better conversion rates

A user-centered approach involves an intuitive and frictionless design process. 

This makes it easier for customers to complete key actions—such as making a purchase or subscribing to a service—which increases conversion rates.

Optimization of resources and costs

Investing in user-centric research and development from the start can avoid costly mistakes in the long run. 

This reduces costs for support, redesigns or unnecessary adjustments, as the product meets needs from the start.

Improving reputation and branding

A user-centric approach generates satisfying experiences, leading to word-of-mouth recommendations and positive reviews. 

As a result, brand perception is improved and new customers are attracted organically.

Constant innovation

By putting the user at the center, companies can discover new opportunities to improve or create products based on real insights. 

This approach allows you to stay ahead of the competition and anticipate future market needs.

Greater competitive advantage

Companies that create solutions tailored to the people who use them not only achieve more functional and attractive products. They also establish a clear differentiation from their competitors, being perceived as closer and more aligned with consumer interests.

Increase in Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

By focusing on meeting the needs of who uses the product or service, a continuous value cycle is created. 

Not only are people more likely to make repeat purchases, they also have a longer-lasting relationship with the company.

Challenges for the UX/UI sector

The challenges of the UX/UI sector are marked by the need to adapt to rapid technological evolution and the growing expectations of users, through the design of intuitive and accessible experiences on multiple platforms. 

In addition, it is critical to achieve a balance between aesthetics and functionality, as well as the personalization of experiences that do not compromise the data privacy. Not to mention the incorporation of the artificial intelligence.

Other key challenges to consider include:

Constant update

From Fernanda's perspective, UX/UI has always been a specialization focused on a specific problem in a constantly evolving industry.

For the expert, this speed makes a person trained 5 or 6 years ago perceive that the names of the roles, the profiles, the needs of the companies that hire and the size of the work teams have changed.

It is a fast-moving industry, constantly driven by contextual developments. A dynamic that makes the sector a constant challenge.

Synergy of IT teams with UX/UI teams

The interaction and complementarity of work teams is a central challenge in any company. 

As it is a new discipline that works with software development methodologies that are also novel, It is essential to adapt to the rest of the areas, especially with the IT sector.


We are experiencing a new model of product and service development, in which mature industries that have been following this path for years are showing improvements in their results: both in terms of customer satisfaction, usability and product, as well as operational efficiency, effectiveness, team culture and results. 

UX/UI design has established itself as a strategic factor to achieve customer satisfaction, boost operational efficiency and obtain tangible results. 

A well-designed experience not only attracts and retains users, but also facilitates fluid interactions, reducing friction and increasing productivity

In addition, it allows digital products not only attractive but also highly functional and accessible, which directly impacts brand perception and consumer loyalty.

At the same time, a strong focus on UX/UI improves operational efficiency by simplifying processes and minimizing errors resulting from confusing interfaces. 

Investing in a robust UX/UI design translates into competitive advantages, higher conversion rates and resource optimization. 

Therefore, integrating UX/UI design as an essential part of the business strategy is key to facing the challenges of today's market and ensuring sustainable growth.

Contact us to find out How we help organizations build usable and accessible products.

Also find out about the technological products that we can develop for you Support you in building interactive, functional and people-centered products.

And how to boost your business strategy developing IT talent.
