Talento IT
Mujeres en tecnología: historias inspiradoras-IT Patagonia

Inspiring stories from women of code

In the technology industry, since always and throughout the world, There is a gender gapVarious studies carried out by non-profit organisations, public bodies and private companies confirm this fact, year after year. 

According to specialists, in Latin America the disparity is even deeper, a product of unstable access to the Internet and digital literacy. For example, the NGO Girls in Technology She claims that Latin American women are at a disadvantage due to greater social and cultural barriers.

Besides, There is discrimination. The 80% of women in technology in Argentina said she had experienced any situation of violence at work, in a study conducted by Women in technology.

Based on this context, it would seem that the environment is only discouraging for women in technology. 

However, overcoming the limitations of their environment and proving themselves resistant to all limits, more and more women are joining the technological market. And they stand out in it by demonstrating great talent..

In this article, we chose to contrast the mostly negative scenario with positive professional experiences, lived by some of the women who stand out in IT Patagonia in projects carried out by the Mainframe Center of Excellence and the Cobol Studio, as an example of the progress made within our organization by women in technology.

The gender gap in the science and technology industry

In Argentina, More women than men enroll and successfully complete their courses tertiary and university. 

A report prepared by CIPPEC presented the first result a few years ago, which could be very encouraging if it were not for the following data: if they get a job, women will do so in positions of average quality and with lower remuneration.

This gender inequality is not a local problem, but has an impact at a global level. And it is one of the most relevant conflicts in today's societies. Therefore, it is one of the Sustainable development goals of the 2023 agenda: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Zooming specifically in on the IT sector, Only 30% of technology talent are women, according to the Argentine Chamber of the Software Industry, a difference that makes sense if one takes into account that Only 121% of female college students choose a STEM career (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics). 

Mujeres en tecnología
Getting more women interested in technology is essential to ensure the development of unbiased products.

The woman who launched one of the first mainframes

Around the 1960s, NASA received an IBM 7090 computer, specially designed to perform large-scale scientific and technological applications, which would be used to calculate the trajectory of satellites. 

The latest technology was present, but There was a lack of talent to put it into operation.

Dorothy Vaughan, a prodigious mathematician who received his degree in Wilberforce University, was at that time a member of the NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), which would later become NASA. 

Anticipating that this computer would soon replace the work she did with other African-American mathematicians at the West Area Computers, She was visionary, proactive and determined

He learned to program in Fortran, the programming language specially adapted to numerical calculations and scientific computing that used the mainframe.

He did it in a way autodidact, and facing the harshest prejudices and opposition of the time. 

Moved by a continuous learning mindset She became an expert, and she didn't stop there. 

He was a leaderShe inspired and trained many other female mathematicians, who would later teach programming to NASA engineers.

AND patientIt took many years for her to be officially promoted to the position of Supervisor.

Stories of contemporary “Dorothies”

At IT Patagonia we also have talented women, with the same characteristics that we value in Dorothy, who positively empower colleagues and drive excellent results in projects. Mainframe modernization that we carry out with our clients.

We compile their experiences to inspire us as an organization to continue on the path of equality and training for women in technology, and to inspire others to enter this sector. 

The impetus to study a technology-related career was, in almost all cases, a love of mathematics. And also, an attraction to “what is new,” to join a profession that was just taking its first steps.

Mujeres de códigos-IT Patagonia
The women of codes that drive our projects and inspire new generations.

Although they faced challenges, they agree that their job placement was not difficult. Neither was achieving stability and continuity in the industry. It makes sense, considering that in the IT sector of the world There is more demand than supply of Cobol developers (the specialty of most women in this group).

One of the reasons they consider driving their professional development is the set of differential talents that women possess, which brings different perspectives and skills to work teams.

In fact, the need for diverse teams, in which women and other minority groups are adequately represented, is mentioned in one Girls in Technology Research as essential for the design of unbiased services and productsIt also allows us to take advantage of the talent, ideas and innovation potential of all professionals, without limitations.

In access to hierarchical positions there are experiences that support the idea that It is more difficult for womenThe majority feeling is that men have priority when there is a possibility of growth, and that salaries are higher in their case.

Ping pong with our team of women in technology

As we mentioned before, one of the characteristics that distinguished Dorothy was her capacity for continuous learning, along with her desire to progress and gain knowledge.

We asked talented women in technology What drives them to continue learning?, What do you enjoy most about your job? and what are the main challenges of everyday life. Finally, we ask you Advice for young women who are hesitant to enter the world of technology. Here are their answers.

What drives you to keep learning?

“The challenge, the logic, finding the error, analyzing.” “I feel alive, I love my profession and I like being productive.” “I am very interested in technology, I like what I do.” “Being able to live up to the service I must provide.” “I like it, it is always a challenge.”

What do you enjoy most about your job?

“Everything, although there are times when I get overwhelmed and times when I have good relationships.” “Programming and testing, finding the problem and being able to solve it, is like playing.” “Teamwork, constantly learning new technologies.” “Everything, from the satisfaction of a job well done to the work environment within the team.” “The challenges; the new.”

What are the main challenges you face?

“Analyzing, understanding the reason for a mistake, knowing the why of things.” “The balance between the passion for work and my life.” “Being aware of what is new, being able to practice my profession at the same level as younger people and with more knowledge.” “Trying to keep up to date, since technologies have been changing.” “Advancing in new topics.”

What advice would you give to young women who are hesitant to enter the world of technology?

“Don't hesitate, but you must understand that the demand on your time may be greater. And when you have a family and small children, there are times when it becomes complicated.”

“It is a profession that can give you a lot of satisfaction, both financially and in terms of learning. Technology continues to grow and the wonderful thing is to follow that path and see everything you have adapted to in order to stay in the market.”

“Don’t be afraid of technological challenges, it’s very interesting and there’s a lot to learn.”

“If you like to analyze, think, are creative, and are excited about achieving goals and providing solutions, go for it! There is nothing more rewarding than finishing a job and making it successful.”

At IT Patagonia we create a community in which opportunities are equal for everyone, and we intend to continue working to grow and evolve under conditions of equity. Join us!
